Treeman Knives Fox River Hunter
Treeman Knives Fox River Hunter
This Treeman Knives Fox River Hunter has about a 5" long razor sharp convex blade with choil for ease of sharpening. Handforged to about .170" thick from 1095 high carbon steel. Stamps are Treeman Knives Anvil, and USA 2020. The nickel silver guard is silver solidered with a nice clean and even bead. The spacers include, black, red, dark blue, and aluminum. The premium red stag handle has beautiful color and character, fitting the hand just right. The nickel silver butt plate is contoured to the stag and is pinned and two ton epoxied into place. OAL is about 10" The Belt sheath comes in dark brown and is made from the highest quality herman oak leather we can get, all our sheaths are made for each knife, one at a time giving the knife the best fit possible. The sheath is finished with heavy duty stitching and automotive grade stainless steel rivets. Priced to sell. Thank You