Treeman Hunter- Skinner 4 1-2" Leather stag
Treeman Hunter- Skinner 4 1-2" Leather stag
This is one knife you have never seen before. I finished off the crotch stag butt with pinned brass butt caps. Labor intense time consuming extra work and done right. Rock solid and looks great ! This J.Behring handmade Hunter/Skinner has a 4 1/2" handforged blade made of old school spring steel with nice deep struck stamps. The hidden tang handle has a brass guard with a flawless bead of silver solder. The hand cut spacers are thin black and brass witha thick vintage westinghouse ivory in the middle followed by many hand cut horse hide washers that swell perfectly in the palm of your hand. Jim finished this knife with a brass pinned South Dakota crotch stag butt with pinned and epoxied brass caps to finsh it off! The OAL isp" and comes in a American Buffalo inlay drop down belt sheath by ROCCO here in the Treeman leather shop. Thank you...